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Friday, May 18, 2012

Interview with a Male Witch  

by   on 05-07-2012 at 03:28 PM (268 Views)

I thought college was filled with theoretical bullshit to put it quite frankly. Few subjects really sparked my interest. Philosophy though was a study I had found pretty interesting. I found it opened my mind a little, as well as help me to think more rationally.

One summer while taking a philosophy course, I struck up a conversation with a park attendant named John. I found out John was a real big philosophy nut, and he offered me some extra books on the subject for supplemental reading. I knew him a few years, but we never really discussed personal stuff. It was at that point he told me he practiced witchcraft. It was only after that when I looked at him(I mean really looked at him) and said quietly to myself: ‘you know goddammit he really does look like a witch” I mean with the beard and all,sideburns, You have him wear a large pointed cone shaped hat, and he had Warlock written all over him 

So like some participants in our AZN chatroom, I got totally creeped out by our conversation. I never had any experiences with the supernatural. Scary movies about devil worship like the Omen, scared the living hell out of me. I’m not an ignorant person though, I respect people's beliefs and don’t want to misinform you by implying that people who practice witchcraft are evil, this is untrue because for the most part John was a good guy. Eventually we talked a little bit more, and finally we got around to a Q&A session which I themed:

Everything you ever wanted to know about a Witch but were too freaked out to ask.
I naturally (or should I say supernaturally) asked the FAQs

1) What do you guys believe in?
2) Do you worship the Devil?
3) If a clean cut Mormon in a short sleeve shirt wearing a tie, dress pants, and sneakers knocked on your door and gave you a free Mormon Bible, would you kick his ass, or just cast a spell on him where he’d get a flat tire in the ghetto?

John answered all my questions openly. Naturally the skeptic in me kept chipping away and I honed in on the one thing people who know nothing about Witchcraft always, always ask. LIke asking a magician to do a trick, I asked John: “Hey john so you say you cast spells, cast one for me, I wanna see it in action, make me a believer man”

His answer was, ‘yes I can cast a spell, but it’s not something I do haphazardly, I do it to people i really dislike, but I do it with care because bad things can happen”

So I stopped asking. After that conversation, I hadn’t seen John until the next summer, I thought he just quit or moved. His motorcycle was always parked in the front of the park so I knew when he was working. One day I saw him get dropped off to work by his wife. He was on crutches . After I greeted him, I looked down and his left leg was gone, amputated. He told me that some old man didn’t stop at a corner and he went flying off his bike. I didn’t know what to say but I’d be lying if i didn’t say that conversation about the spells was the first thing that entered my mind. Mmm was this one of those "bad things" that happened from a spell gone wrong? I felt sorry for him, and another year passed before I saw John again.
Again John was MIA. I finally got curious and asked his boss where John was. I found out that he took his own life. A gunshot to the head. John had had enough, he had cast a spell for the final time.
Now some may say: 'great, he’s a witch, he’ll burn in hell where he belongs', I thought differently. I silently prayed and wished that maybe, just maybe, he’d end up at that other place. In the end, we’re all still deserving of some peace, even Witches & Warlocks.

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  1. enjoi's Avatar
    Would a male witch be a warlock? Or would they like to be called Manwitch...
  2. paulr3167's Avatar
    Good question Sir Enjoi, I originally wanted to use Warlock instead of Witch because John was obviously a male, but the little i knew about Witches, a while back I thought Warlock was offensive to those who practiced Witchcraft. When I mentioned I respect peoples beliefs that are not my own, I sort of had this specific word Warlock in mind.
  3. nursegirl12's Avatar
    Sounds like this John dude didn't know what the hell he was doing. lol. The most important rule in Wicca is the "rule of three". Basically, it's kind of like the golden rule in Christianity. If you put a spell on someone without their permission or perform a naughty spell, it'll come back on you three times worse. So you should never cast a bad spell, it's quite unwise. Also, a witch cannot simply cast a spell. He or she must have salt or earth, usually candles in the color coinciding with the spell you're casting, a chosen diety to help you perform the spell, and perhaps an item belonging to the person you are casting the spell on behalf of.
  4. paulr3167's Avatar
    Thanks nursey, had I known I coulda used your knowledge in my research. I was uncomfortable even using Warlock, I only use it jokingly, I didn't think Wicca folks would take too kindly being aligned with Warlocks, Witches have it tough enough. Oct 31 and trick or treaters dressed like Witches must be hell night How's the pole btw? Remember to stretch before, you want maximum flexibility, safety first , sexy second 
  5. nursegirl12's Avatar
    I used to practice Wicca but I let it fall the the wayside. I guess I still don't know what I believe in, if anything. The pole is just fine. 
  6. enjoi's Avatar
    You had this discussion in chat? Hmmm, maybe I will join that giant sausage fest that is chat one day...
  7. paulr3167's Avatar

    I'll define AZN chat in simple terms: Inexperienced, sexually obsessed, deprived envious Asian men acting like depressed groupies. Keep that in mind when you don't see any female names, the women aren't in there for good reason 
    Updated 05-08-2012 at 02:59 AM by paulr3167
  8. Oz Dragon's Avatar
    Lovely tale, but I think you will find most Wiccans worship the earth not the devil. I'm fascinated by the supernatural and I've studied a lot of occult/esoteric doctrine and there's really nothing dark about it. All maters are occult until they are understood whereby they become science. :-)
  9. paulr3167's Avatar
    Yes, my conversations with John were to get over some of the initial fears I had with the supernatural. Philosophy taught me to not pre-judge to let the truths and facts tell the entire story, the emotions and fears removed. I'm a nature lover anyways, so there's a bond there beyond just faith and spiritual beliefs.
  10. tazo157's Avatar
    I'm sorry to hear the news. I have a friend who practices Wicka. That's a very sad story. 
  11. paulr3167's Avatar
    Yes thanks. I think even John would have been surprised someone would tell his story. The spirit and soul transcends all faiths and beliefs. However much we differentiate ourselves, we shouldn't forget that we'll all leave earth the same way, of spirit and soul.
  12. Oz Dragon's Avatar
    I'm also a big believer in reincarnation, so perhaps John might be on his way back around to give life another shot. :-)
  13. paulr3167's Avatar
    I'm open to that happening as well. The 3 I'd bring back: John, Bruce Lee and Michael Hutchence. As for myself, I wouldn't be completely satisfied unless I returned as Johnny Depp, or at the very least one of Pam Andersons sex toys.
  14. Oz Dragon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paulr3167
    I'm open to that happening as well. The 3 I'd bring back: John, Bruce Lee and Michael Hutchence. As for myself, I wouldn't be completely satisfied unless I returned as Johnny Depp, or at the very least one of Pam Andersons sex toys.
    Good choices - Micheal Hutchence was sad, sad loss, so was Heath Leger, River Phoenix, Brandon Lee. But if I wanted to bring some one back it would have to be Nikola Tesla :-) Me, I want to come back as Lara Croft, I really dig her house, and she has loads of really cool toys :-) And travel to exotic places.